What is my practice?

A collective and interactive journey towards a cooperative future through food
and agriculture.

What does my practice cultivate?

My practice takes place on a small lot in The Good Life community garden. I grow, harvest, share, and cook with these vegetables, then preserve and document new heirlooms for the following season.

I also share my harvest as food, using the ritual of eating together to extend my practice and strengthen community.
Last year I shared perilla leaf ice cream, straight from the farm.

Designed as an interactive art and education project, the event used food as a way to connect with larger audiences. These social engagements center around one central question...

My practice asks

Can we use Seed as a tool for collective future?

My practice imagines

1.Seed as a tool for cooperative city.
2.Seed as a tool for bacterial diversity.
3.Seed as a tool for fighting climate change.

To grow Korean heirlooms is to nurture individual microbiomes, stronger communities, and our shared climate future. I hope to start conversations about food sovereignty and heritage, cultivating awareness, connection, and change.

I regularly post farm updates and events on Instagram. Follow here!

Last updated on September 2024